Wednesday 18 December 2019


I searched around on SOF and found an interesting article here. Although I doubt that it would really help I think it might be worth a try. Those directories are appended to the search path resulting from any -L option. Darcy on his Oracle blog. Note the quotes - that's a single command input to elfedit. solaris elfedit

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Also, the dependency management of Solaris 10 doesn't seem very complete such that a system may provide elfedit but still miss some libraries for it:.

cross-elfedit - Update the ELF header of ELF files. - Linux Man Pages (1)

No such file or directory Killed. It seems like a great tool except that it's completely undocumented. It is not necessary to set it for OpenCSW binaries.

It is arguably of better quality than Oracle, implements features Oracle doesn't have and it is ridiculously easy to install in comparison to Oracle because it is available from the distributions package repositories. The Linux runtime linker exits with exit statuswhile the Solaris runtime linker exits with Patchelf is packaged for the major Elfedkt distributions and solzris also be portable to other ELF platforms. Here is why I am asking this: Jan 14 '11 at When the start of a binary has succeeded one can verify the actually runtime linked libraries via plddwhich is available on Linux and Solaris.

It there a way to edit a compiled shared library? Obviously, when dealing with such poorly created binaries, created by an solwris vendor, one may see this as indicator of the general quality of the provided software and service. Note the quotes - that's a single command input to elfedit.

This can be avoided via directly invoking the runtime linker and supplying the search path as an argument. Darcy on his Oracle blog. That's not really necessary, but interesting to the curious with elfedjt ELF background.

Technical Prose: Editing DT_RPATH on Solaris ELF objects

Is there something similar for linux? For example, to fix some Oracle executables and the client library that are part of the Oracle 11g2 'Instant Client' for Linux:. And perhaps one reaches to the conclusion that there are better alternatives out there, built by people who know what they are doing.

A gdb backtrace shows that the crash occurs in some of the 3rd party shared libraries. I have experienced a lot of crashes within elfsh itself. For example Oracle, the well-known 'enterprise' DB vendor:. If you execute the command 'set d 1' before that command, or run elfedit with the -d option, elfedit will show you how it satisfied the request. InCasper H.

solaris elfedit

The origin is the directory where the binary is stored. Sunday, June 18, Tweaking binaries with elfedit. We can narrow down the output just to this element by using the -dynndx flag to the dyn: This was used to fix up binaries that had been built incorrectly, or where you've moved the libraries somewhere other than where the binary normally looks for them. Instead, to avoid these issues, the additional directories if any that should be searched by the runtime linker should be specified via linker options e.

cross-elfedit (1) - Linux Man Pages

When using this in a makefile, in addition to the single quotes, the dollar sign has to be escaped such that make doesn't expand it as make variable:. Thanks for this nice article about elfedit.

solaris elfedit

Active 9 years, 7 months ago. Its valid use case is the test of alternative library versions installed in non-standard locations. Sign up using Email and Password. But the entry we want to edit is index number elferit. Which might look like: The tool patchelf supports this.

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